@ Quare design with images of Dr. Ramchandani

The Physiatry Podcast

Episode 28: Prostate Cancer Dr. Ramchandani discusses the incidence and death rate of Prostate cancer.  What you can do to prevent it?  How to stay healthy, active, and eat right.  Also, the good news of the week!   Thank you for listening.

Image of Dr. Grigsby and Vallejo on blue background

Differential Target Multiplexed (DTM™) Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) – What is it and how does it work?

CEO and Founder of Neurovations, Dr. Eric Grigsby, and Co-founder and Director of Research at Millennium Pain Center, Dr. Ricardo Vallejo joined up for a deep dive into how a hypothesis can change the way we think about SCS therapies and optimizing outcomes. Dr. Vallejo unpacked the questions necessary to get to a truer understanding […]

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